Being a Mom is a tough job. Finding out that our child has been sexually harmed can make that “job” feel impossible. Why didn’t we notice something was happening? How…

Lynn broadcasts 8:00 - 9:00 pm Saturdays on City of Angels Recovery Radio - COARR.
She tackles some of the toughest aspects of childhood sexual abuse with honesty, empathy, and respect.
You may listen to her broadcasts in this category.
Contact SFTP with questions, show topic ideas or for resources in your area at(614) 403-4545.
In tonight’s second, and more serious episode of “Stop Feeding the Predators” about power, Lynn talks about the power struggles between different groups, nations, religions, and even between adults and…
Are you a “Control Freak”? For example: Have you ever been stressed because someone else was helping you and they did it wrong? Perhaps they just didn’t do it the…
Tonight’s show is all about the perfect family gatherings. . . and how children who’ve been abused feel out of place while pretending everything is ok. Whether we are adults…
Tune into “Stop Feeding the Predators” tonight at 8:00 pm EST as Lynn shares about how we must feel and work through our emotions to find our healing. When we…
Body language and facial expressions are part of how we communicate with each other, but words are the main way. Listen to “Stop Feeding the Predators” show tonight at 8:00…
Many people are familiar with the term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but few think about what it really means. In tonight’s “Stop Feeding the Predators” at 8 pm EST, Lynn…
When children are assaulted or abused, the Grandparents may be unsure of their role or how to help. Tonight at 8 pm EST on “Stop Feeding the Predators”, Lynn talks…
Children and adults who are abused don’t necessarily want revenge through physical violence…. We just want the abuse to STOP. This week’s “Stop Feeding the Predators” helps adults understand how…
Do you have the ability to love yourself more than you hate someone else? Even if that person did something reprehensible – like molesting an innocent child? In this new…